Cenforce 100 Mg


Variation Price Quantity Add To Cart
60 Tablet/s $50.00
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90 Tablet/s $68.00
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120 Tablet/s $90.00
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150 Tablet/s $110.00
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300 Tablet/s $204.00
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What is Cenforce 100mg?

Cenforce 100mg is a PDE type5 inhibitor class action medicine that is made to help males with erectile dysfunction/ impotence issues. It is an issue in which a male cannot achieve a harder erection. Due to this one particular problem, one starts noticing sexual dissatisfaction issues also. This dissatisfaction does not just stay limited to the body of a male but starts impacting the female body.

The medicine helps a person get rid of this situation temporarily. This helps a person enjoy intercourse in the way it is meant to. This medicine is manufactured by Centurion Laboratories, which packs the medicine in a strip of 10. Each tablet is blue and biconvex, consisting of 100 mg of Sildenafil Citrate.

It is an active pharmaceutical ingredient, one of the best in the category. If you have erectile dysfunction issues, you first need to visit the physician, get a prescription and then buy the medicine.

Cenforce 100

How to use Cenforce 100mg?

  • Whenever you use the medicine, ensure that you intake the tablet as a whole. If you break or chew the tablet, it might not show the best action.
  • To swallow the medicine, you should consume a glassful of water. It makes swallowing the medicine easy.
  • You must consume the medicine at least half an hour before having intercourse.
  • To get results after using the medicine, you should get involved in sexually arousing activities.
  • The physicians suggest that you give up junk food when using the medicine because it slows absorption.

The working mechanism of Cenforce 100mg

To understand how the Cenforce 100mg medicine works inside your body, you need to understand how the issue happens. Due to bad habits that a person has adopted in the past few years, like eating junk food, performing zero physical activity, etc., a person’s heart is at great risk. To save the heart from this risk, the body releases PDE type5. This PDE type5 is a vasoconstrictor that attaches inside the blood vessel.

There it will block the release of cGMP inside the blood vessels. It is a vasodilator, and its decreased amount in the blood vessels will lead to constriction of the vessels. It leads to erectile dysfunction inside the male body. When a male consumes the medicine, it will dissolve inside the body and reach the vessel within 15-20 minutes.

There it will block PDE type5 from taking any action, which automatically gives rise to the cGMP inside the vessels. It will dilate the blood vessels soon, which allows more blood to enter the penis when required. Due to this, you will notice a harder erection which helps you have satisfactory intercourse. The results from the medicine last from 4-5 hours on average.

Different Uses of Cenforce 100mg

  • The first reason the physician writes the prescription for the medicine is erectile dysfunction. In this case, the medicine suppresses the symptoms of erectile dysfunction, introduces a harder erection, and helps increase sexual satisfaction levels.
  • The physician also prescribes the medicine for Pulmonary Arterial Hyperplasia issues. In this issue, a person’s blood pressure is on the higher side, which is unsafe. The use of medicine helps in controlling blood pressure.

Dosage Requirements

The physician will decide the best dose for you that suits your requirement. To make the decision about this dose, the physician needs to know details about your body type, medical history, and details about the issue. After knowing the details, the physician will provide you with the prescription, which in most cases is one per day.


Suggest Alternative Dosage Of Cenforce: Cenforce 50 | Cenforce Profesional 100 | Cenforce 120 | Cenforce 150 | Cenforce 200


Missed and Overdose

If you ever miss the dose of the medicine, you have to see whether you are willing to have intercourse or not. If you want to have sex, it is important that you make up for the dose. For that, there should be at least 12 hours left for the next dose. If the time is less, you should contact your physician and ask them what to do next.

On the other hand, if you consume an overdose of the medicine, you have to keep close attention to your body. If your body reacts and shows major side effects, you must contact your physician. They will help you get rid of the side effects. If side effects do not appear, then you make sure that you never consume more doses than prescribed.

Side effects

  • Headache
  • Flushing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Priapism
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Skin rash
  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Changes in hearing

Preventive Measures

  • Whenever you visit the physician, make sure that you share your medical history in detail. They need to know this to ensure whether you are safe to use the medicine or not.
  • You should never consume the medicine if you are already using nitrate-based or alpha-blocker medicine.
  • You should never consume alcohol or marijuana when using the medicine.
  • You should not drive or operate heavy machinery when using the medicine to avoid accidents.
  • Never take the medicine with grapefruit juice because of the chances of an overdose of the medicine.
  • If you are a heart patient, make sure that you never consume the medicine, as it can be unsafe for you.

How to store Cenforce 100mg?

  • Always store the medicine in a place that is completely dark and dry.
  • Make sure that you always store the medicine at a temperature below 86°F (30°C).
  • Never put the medicine in the refrigerator.
  • You must keep the medicine away from the reach of your kids. It can potentially harm their body.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who will make sure whether you are safe to use the medicine or not?

The physician is going to make sure whether you are safe to use the medicine or not. To make this decision, the physician needs to know whole information about the medicines you are consuming and the issues you have.

  1. Can I take the dose of Cenforce 100mg as per my wish?

No, you can not take the dose of Cenforce 100mg as per your wish. If you make this mistake, there is a high chance that you might notice side effects because of the medicine. That is why we suggest you follow the prescription that your physician has provided to you.

  1. What happens if you notice an overdose of Cenforce 100mg?

If you consume an overdose of the medicine by any mistake, you have to keep checking how your body is reacting to it. If the reaction is normal and you don’t notice any major side effects, you don’t have to worry. But if any major side effects happen in your body, contact your physician.

  1. How does Cenforce 100mg lower your blood pressure?

When you consume the Cenforce 100mg medicine, the blood vessels start to dilate. Due to this dilation, the pressure with which the blood flow inside your body decreases. That is why the medicine is also used for the situation of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

  1. When to stop Cenforce 100mg consumption?
  • You should stop the medicine consumption if you are no longer facing ED issues.
  • You should stop the medicine consumption if you have a heart problem.
  • You should stop the medicine consumption if you are sexually inactive now.

Additional information

Active Ingredient

Sildenafil Citrate


Erectile Dysfunction


Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.


10 tablets in 1 strip



Delivery Time

6 To 15 days


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